Additional Fallout From Japan Earthquake: No More Chinese Interns at Sewing Plants
The resulting nuclear disaster in Japan that was caused by the massive 9.0 earthquake on March 11th has caused many Japanese textile plants and industrial sewing factories to recalculate their workforce. Before, a great majority of interns came from China to help with the sewing, but now, the younger Chinese workforce has either cancelled their plans on their own, or cancelled due to their own parents fears over radiation no matter how far away the sewing factories are. This has resulted in a massive drop in either overall production or hours for the current Japanese workers due to the lack of production.
In this report from Asahi, a Japanese newspaper, fears remain high for Chinese interns and businesses are reassessing the need for Chinese workforce. This not only affects the garment industry, but other industries as well, and could be a long term issue affecting Japan's output and other countries ability to purchase.
Renee Shelton.
In this report from Asahi, a Japanese newspaper, fears remain high for Chinese interns and businesses are reassessing the need for Chinese workforce. This not only affects the garment industry, but other industries as well, and could be a long term issue affecting Japan's output and other countries ability to purchase.
Renee Shelton.
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