Lark Studios Series: Tables

Lark Studios Series: Tables (Lark Crafts, 2011, ISBN: 9781454700852) is a fun mini-book with color photos of different tables. The tables are fun creations, signature works, or different explorations on a given topic made by leading artists.

All tables are fully functional. But, flipping through the pages you'll find some made purely for the sake of art. Materials include wood, glass, stone, and all kinds of metal. Looking through all the tables will change what you think a table 'should' look like.

Book Info:
  • Lark Studio Series: Tables, by Linda Kopp, Senior Editor
  • Lark Crafts, an imprint of Sterling Publishing; 2011
  • ISBN13: 9781454700852
  • Hardcover flexibound; 204 pages, pocket square size
Disclosure: This book was given to the author by the publisher. Any opinions are the author's own.

Renee Shelton.


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