30-Minute Rings Jewelry Book by Marthe Le Van

Marthe Le Van has gathered 60 different ring jewelry projects from 49 different designers, which can all be constructed in a half an hour. So, if you have 30 minutes to spare, then you can create a beautiful ring from 30-Minute Rings. For most projects, basic tools like a hammer, jewelry saw, and pliers are all that is needed, but for other projects, a soldering kit and a complete bench tools set are required.

Get Ready, Get Set, Go 

Each ring project has three major components. The Get Ready list includes all the actions that will be done on the project, like drilling, soldering, or annealing. With this knowledge, the Get Set list has all the tools or tool kits, equipment needed, and the finished size for the ring. If there is a note from the designer, such as alternate ways to finish the project, it will be here. The procedures for each ring are all listed step-by-step, with a full-page color photo of the finished ring.

Diversity in Shapes, Color, and Design 

While most of the rings are metal works, such as those made from sterling silver sheet or brass tubing, other materials are used to form rings. Two notable non-metal rings are the twisted semitransparent polypropylene ring from designer Roberto Zanon and the engraved white plastic ring made from a plumbing pipe from designer Karen Rakoski.

Forty-Nine Different Designers 

The designers are all listed alphabetically at the back of the book, along with their brief biographies. Geographically, they come from all over the world: Greece; U.S.; Scotland; and the United Kingdom. If you want to know more about each of them, the bios have websites listed for further study of their works, and where or when their showings are.

30-Minute Rings Overview and Chapters 

Besides the introduction and the tools kit listing page (suggested tool sets to put together that are useful for the ring projects), 30-Minute Rings is listed in project numerical order, 1 to 60. The easy-to-read table of contents is listed in thumbnail color-picture format, so you can see what the finished rings look like or go directly to one that 'speaks' to you. While 30-Minute Rings is meant to inspire creativity with full-color photos and achievable projects with step-by-step instructions, many of the rings require an advanced knowledge of certain techniques, such as soldering, beadwork, and annealing. A brush-up on jewelry techniques is a good idea before beginning some of the rings.

Book Information:
  • 30-Minute Rings: 60 Quick and Creative Projects for Jewelers; by Marthe Le Van 
  • Lark Crafts, an Imprint of Sterling Publishing; 2011 
  • ISBN13: 9781600597909 
  • Soft cover, 136 pages 

Disclosure: This book was provided to me by the publisher and any opinions are my own.
Renee Shelton.


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